Thursday, April 2, 2015

Being a fangirl

Not everyone is aware of the effects of my fangirling life. What they know is that I'll be someone different whenever I start fangirling. And truth be told, that is true. But most people only know that I'm a hyperactive person in my fangirling life, which is annoying according to them. I will not deny that too.

There are also so many positive sides from it. In here I will explain to you about the positive sides of being a fangirl.

1. You will learn new languages
Okay, everyone knows I'm a Directioner and Simpsonizer. They came from Britain, Ireland, and Australia. Meanwhile I live in Indonesia. I hated English when I was in middle school. But at the 9th grade, I started to like western musicians. From that moment on, I promised myself to study English a little bit more often so I can understand what they are saying. This case also goes for K-Pop fans. They learn Korean so they'll understand what their idols saying.

2. You will get new friends from across the world
This is important. As for me, I know some people through Twitter. I have 3 good friends who live in different cities in Indonesia and couple of friends from England and America. If you're lucky, they might help you to do things (send direct messages to your idols for example). You also get to practice your English (or any other languages you've learned) with them as well. There will be time when you feel like "Oh, I'm so glad I joined this fandom" because you find your soulmates from across the world, the ones who share the same passion as you.

3. Somehow, your idols help you
I'm so proud to say I'm almost a year clean. You have no idea how crazy my life can get. Back to my high school years.. I was so depressed yet I couldn't tell anyone about it. I kept bottling my emotions. My life as a fangirl had helped me so much in the past few years. Everytime I felt like I was about to break, I would log on to my Twitter account and doing some rant. People there were so supportive.
I also always listening to music whenever I feel like I have nobody. Because music can understand me. I don't know about any of you, but for me, being a Directioner is a big deal. Like, they always supportive and tell us how beautiful and how much we meant for them. They've helped me so much on my way to be sober. I don't give a shit if you say I'm lying because this is the absolute truth.

4. You will be much happier
I can assure you this one. As far as I know, people will be much happier after they joined a fandom. I assume this is because once you join a fandom, that means you join a family. You get sisters also brothers. Maybe not all of them will be nice to you but believe me, there are so many great people who will accept you as their 'sibling'.

5. There is such thing as 'alone'
You will have so many friends sticking up for you, cheer you up when you feel lonely. When your real life gets so much harder, your fangirling friends will make you forget all of your problems and just be happy although it just for a few minutes.

I'm so happy with my fangirling life. Of course it's not always filled with laughter, there are times when I feel like I'm so done and feel like giving up (ex: when Zayn left One Direction, when Cody got too 'cozy' with Kylie Jenner, when Tyler Hoechlin decided to not be a regular cast on Teen Wolf, when Cory Monteith died). But in the end of the day, I know that I'm not alone. There are so many people who feel the very same feeling with me. And then together, we will be happy again.

Being a fangirl is not bad as long as you're not too wrapped up in your fangirling life. You still have real life and real people to deal with.
