Friday, July 10, 2015

#LoveWins: A piece of respect

Hello loves!

Today I'd like to write about a very sensitive topic, not only in Indonesia, but in the whole world as well. I know that not everyone agrees with Supreme Court's decision earlier this month about gay marriage. And well, I just found it really interesting to write my very own opinions about this.

And I think I'd get some comments after I put this up. Since, you know, this is still a controversial thing. But really, I will not suggest homophobic people to read this. I suggest to leave the page immediately because as a matter of fact, I don't want you homophobic people write or talk nasty stuff after you read this. So, please, get the hell out of my blog.

Although it's absolutely okay for you who curious or even want to say your opinion towards this topic in the comment box below. OPINIONS, folks.


"Being gay is a sin."

"You're disgusting."

"You shouldn't support LGBT community."

Those are only a few comments I've read online, whether it just a status on facebook, a tweet, or even a comment that sent by someone for me.

And before you think anything, just remember that I'm straight. This post is written because I want to talk/write about my opinions. 


Because I believe I have the right to do so. Everyone can say what they want as long as it doesn't offend anyone (even though people tend to offend someone with what their opinions nowadays). So, I will try to write what I have in mind without hurting anyone's feeling.

FYI, I do not fully support gay marriage. But I, in fact, admire the bravery of the LGBT community. You see, coming out of the closet (for you who don't know, it's a phrase about telling the world that you're gay) isn't easy as it seems. There are literally tons of hate you'll get once you came out.

I love Youtube. And one thing that I love, is that how powerful Youtube in teenagers life. Some of the youtubers decided to come out online. Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan, Connor Franta, Ingrid Nilsen, and many others. Oh, Ellen DeGeneres and Cara Delevingne are both gays (if you don't know who they are, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? For serious tho, both women are very successful entertainers). If you happen to be curious, I would recommend their coming out videos. They were simply made because these people wanted the world to know that they're gay. But it doesn't make them any less creative or inspiring. Their videos/experience have made some people be more brave. I've read bunch of comments and posts about how people came out after watching those videos.

Some of you may think it's wrong to love someone with the same gender as you. Well, I think screw it. We always talk about equality. Especially equality between men and women. 

Confused? Okay, let me explain.

We all know society treats men like they have higher power than any women could have. For example, only men could be taxi or bus drivers, or footballers. Meanwhile women should stay at home, taking care of the kids. Not all women were pleased about this. So, they fought so hard for justice, for equality. And we can see the result at the present time. Women drive buses and taxis, we even see women play football.

Most of people want to be married at some point in their lives. You know, it would be very nice to have someone waiting on the couch when you had a rough day at work. The gays want that as well. They want someone to grow old with. Someone who will love them unconditionally.

I don't try to make you support gay marriage when I still can't fully support it. I only want you to respect the LGBT community. That's all I ask from you.

If we could tolerate how bad society treated women, why can't we tolerate them?

They don't cause any trouble for you, do they? So, please people. It's okay if you don't accept them, they don't need your acceptance to be who they are anyway. But please do not hate them for who they are, do not try to change or 'cure' them (they may be offended by that, if you don't notice).

Those people are still humans. They have feelings, they have insecurities, and they have rights to be alive. The very same rights as you. Please, I beg of you. Stop hating on them. And please stop wishing them to be dead. It sickens me to no end that people wish them to die.

Did any of that make any sense to you? Because if not, I'd just try to even shorten it to one sentence.

#LoveWins is about equality and giving a little respect to the LGBT community

So yeah, I think that's all I've got now. Maybe I will add some things in the future, I don't know. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy reading this post.

Later, loves.
