Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Wow, it's been a year since my last post. And a lot of things happened in the span of a year. But well, I'm still growing up and still learning with my new phase of life as an adult.

Last year was such a rollercoaster ride. I mean, every year is a rollercoaster but last year hit differently. I started my job in a different city (which didn't last that long btw), gained new acquaintances, learned new things, and of course, lived alone. All of those happened only in a span of 6 months. 

There were times when I wanted to write a new post but I think I was too exhausted every time I was done with work. So, I kept putting it off until today. If I'm being honest, I do miss writing like this. Taking everything out of my mind and writing it down is such a therapeutic thing to do. I feel like my mind can run freely here and no one will talk trash even if I write badly.

I'm not gonna kid myself and make a long-ass list of resolutions because I don't really know how to commit to that list. I just want 2020 to be nicer than previous years. There is a hope that I can have a new job and probably a love life? LOL who am I kidding, I'm not ready to be committed just yet.

My friends are either getting married or having children at my age and here I am, almost 24 years old, writing this post and complaining about life on my twitter. LOLz.

In all seriousness, I hope 2020 Dee will be stronger than ever and probably can cut off the dosage of my daily drugs from my psychiatrist. It's been 2 years already and I can't wait to be off meds. And because I can't just stop it on my own, I will wait patiently until the doctor said that it's okay for me to just go to therapy without consuming those drugs.
