Thursday, November 21, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Hello to all of you!
I'm sorry I couldn't post any sooner than this. I was really busy nowadays and I can easily get tired just from my daily activities :(
I guess you guys have read my previous post? I should've sent that letter to him but well, I'm not that brave so, I won't. Plus, I don't want to disturb his happiness.
This is my secret I want to share with you; I love to read fanfictions (especially if it has One Direction boys in it). For some people, this probably sounds stupid but I'm personally get some advantages from reading those stories. They are perfectly written which is good because I can learn grammar and any other things. The other reason is that some sentences just fit with my life. If you were following me on twitter you must have known I often tweet something with ("), that means I'm quoting it. Whether from an article or just from a fanfiction. As long as it fits, I'd quote it. And now I'd like to tell you one of my favorite quote.
“When you love somebody, you have to let them go, and if they come back to you, they were meant to be yours... but if they don't, you were never meant to be.”
It's from a fanfiction entitled Warrior. I was too stunned when I first read it. Of course I heard or/and read it few times before this but when the writer of the story put it like that (which, of course, fits with the situation the main characters were in), it just, you know.. good.
I don't know the writer personally. Yeah, we've tweeted each other several times but I don't know how she could made my chest aching everytime the OCF (other character female) feels the pain. It was like we've been through the same thing. I felt her pain. Anyway, it is the sequel from another fanfiction and in the first book, the OCF've been betrayed. I know it just a story, yet I could feel what was she feel. The betrayal, I mean, it was so cruel, just like someone just betrayed me recently.
She trusted Harry just like I trusted him but then Harry betrayed her. It was so cruel like what he did to me (maybe not as cruel as Harry in the story but still cruel). The difference that Harry manages to come back to her life and makes her happy again while he is happy there with his girlfriend after ditched me. I don't even think he would say 'hi' if we accidentally met.. it's like I'm never exist in his life. And to be fucking honest, that hurts so much than any of you could've imagine.
It takes time to move on, to forget everything. But I'm working on it and reading those stories help me so much. Deep down inside of me, I know there are plenty girls who have more complicated love-life or maybe the same problem like me. And I know some of them are aching whenever reading stories similar to theirs. I'm not alone. So, don't you always blame fanfictions. It also has positive sides.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
A letter
How are you guys? Been two weeks since my last post. And I'm sorry for that. My exam weeks are coming up and I definitely need to study. But ey, I have some time to write right at this moment and I was thinking; why the hell not?
In all honesty, at first, I was actually didn't know what to write. I just done 2 of my exams which were two of difficult subjects in the first semester. But yeah, let just hope I can pass those two #armcrossed. And since I'm tired and still pretty upset about what's going on with my life recently, I'm just gonna write a letter for him-who-just-broke-my-heart.
Dear you,
Hi, it's almost a month since we last met.. or texting each other. So, how are you? I do believe you're super fine because you have a new girlfriend. Congratulation, by the way. I hope you two have a longlasting relationship :)
But the truth is, I have some questions I'd like to ask you. These questions were haunting me ever since you left me, alone.
Why did you do this to me?
Why did you make me hope for more?
What was your purpose to be that close to me last month?
Why did you leave me when I was slowly falling for you?
How do you manage to stay calm after what you did?
I thought you were different. I thought you really care about me! But no. You came out of nowhere then flew me high and all of sudden, you ran away. You weren't there when I fell. How could you do this to me?
Maybe if it wasn't you, I could understand. But this is you we are talking about. Out of all people, you decided to do this to me. You know what? I trusted you. I did, I really did. Not because you were kind to me, it was like you said "you can trust me" indirectly.. but now you're like "oh well, you're not really worth it, bye".
What am I supposed to do now?
I know I have to move on, I can't stuck here forever. But there's one thing you should know; every scar tells a story, no matter how little it is. The scar you've left me with.. it is still here. Not fully healed, but I'm sure it will be. You might think I'm pathetic because you don't know the truth.
Only my bestfriends know about me. They know exactly how I feel and they're always there for me. Well, if you ever think I'm gonna stuck here, you're awfully wrong. I have a life before you came and ruined it all, so don't you dare expect me to just sit here and crying all day.
Last but not least, I want to remind you; karma still exists.
So yeah, that letter pretty much tells you about what I feel right now. Although it's not as I expected but, well, the letter said it all, I guess. It's getting late here and I'm so sleepy.