Monday, February 3, 2014

Answer for Alaska

I just finished reading Looking For Alaska, a beautiful novel written by John Green, about a week ago. It was indeed a beautiful book (even though I’m a big fan of The Fault In Our Stars). I mean, who else could make such a complicated characters like that?

Maybe some of you ever heard John Green but I doubt everyone knows him. He’s not really famous, yet. But here’s the thing; he is a good writer, I swear. You’ll never disappointed with his writings. So far, I have read two of his books; The Fault In Our Stars and Looking For Alaska (I’m still looking for the other books, though), which I’m gladly admit, are beautiful. It’s kind of difficult to find such a good writer like hime these days. Most writers are writing about love. Sure, Mr. Green’s writings are about love but as you can see, his writings are not-so-casual kind of love.

I’m pretty sure some of you who don’t read his books are confused by my statement. So, I would highly suggest you to read his books. My suggestion? Read The Fault In Our Stars first. The movie will soon out on cinemas!

Alright, back to the start.

Looking For Alaska told us about how a young girl named Alaska Young, who will died in the middle of the story, could make such a difference in people’s life. However, this book told us about some characters in particular; Pudge, the Colonel, Takumi, and a little bit Sara.
Alaska Young had a question, which she wrote after she had read The General in His Labyrinth;
How will we ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering? – A.Y.

This is seriously a good yet difficult question. Even Pudge himself was having a hard time to figure out. I sure have had more than a month to think the answer for that question. And now, I would share my thoughts with you. Maybe you want to share yours too? *insert a little smile*

I personally think we will never get out from this labyrinth. Why? Humans suffer everyday, it is just a fate. As you know, we can’t change fate. Fate was made by our God; Allah, Jesus, Buddha, or any other names that religions gave, it is however a destiny. You can’t change it, so, why bother?

If you could get out this labyrinth, it would be quiet anyway. People will busy thinking how they will exit this confusing road but only a few of them took action. Those people who’ll be busy thinking will end up there, never get out from the labyrinth. Therefore, stop thinking too hard.

We can’t change God’s will, means we can’t change our fate, our destiny. That means we stuck here forever. We suffer everyday, that’s a risk that we have to take ever since we were born. However, we always can make this labyrinth be much interesting. This labyrinth, which I call ‘life’, maybe not too kind sometimes. But it also has good sides too.

When you think you have screwed everything up because you back to the way you started, it’s actually a sign; you need to have a new start, a fresh beginning. You might think there will be a time when you finally give up to get out from this labyrinth (labyrinth = life) and that’s true. I mean, do you really want to get out? Is your life that pathetic? And then you realize; there are thousand things out there to make your journey in this labyrinth more fun.

With that, you don’t have to worry about how or when you gonna get out. If you live your life nicely, then maybe someday you’ll find the gate; to get out from the labyrinth. But if you don’t, just so you know, you are not alone.

Survive. That’s the thing about being put in this confusing labyrinth. And I choose to do it although it was difficult at first.

How about you?



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