Saturday, October 12, 2013

New post after....

So, let me say hi first to all of you.
Tunggu, udah berapa lama gue nggak nge-blog? Udah cukup lama kayaknya, gue bahkan udah hampir yakin blog kesayangan gue ini bakal lumutan (as if it lived). 

Beberapa bulan terakhir emang banyak hal terjadi di kehidupan gue. Forget about I didn't get in to a-certain-state-university, gue tetep kuliah kok, di swasta. 

Yap, swasta.

Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (Untag) Semarang. Nggak sekeren universitas negeri emang, at least I'm studying what I love. Gue ambil jurusan sastra Inggris, bahasa kerennya English Literature. Agak susah juga kalo gue bilang.

This blog currently semi-hiatus from now on. I try to fix some things. Hopefully, this blog will looked more 'mature'. I mean, I basically grow up writing here. So, as I grow up, I also want this blog to 'grow' a little bit :)

Ini cuma permulaan aja sih. I really don't like the idea about delete this blog. Jadi, biar gue dan kalian readers nggak bosen, gue mau ngerubah beberapa hal dan ngehapus beberapa postingan lama gue. Hopefully, nggak makan waktu lama. Because honestly, I miss writing here as well.

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