Sunday, October 13, 2013

Today's story

Hello there!
Gimana kabar hari ini? Sudah move on-kah kamu? Belum? Well, cepetan move on deh. Nggak bagus terus-terusan mikirin doi mantan ngeselin yang belum tentu mikirin kamu. #ciyebanget #tumbenbijak #digebukinmassa #alaybangetsihini

Let's forget about what I wrote above...
I'm still in for a good story. Why? Because I'm in a good mood (big yay for that!).

This started when Dita (my new-and-crazy bestfriend in college) asked me to come with her to Tugu Muda monument, to watch our friends acted like heroes (it was really good, I swear, but there was time when I had to hold back my laugh because their silly faces). And because I don't really like to spend my Sunday alone, I agreed.

The thing was.. I can't ride motorcycle, yet. I can, yeah, but not really good like I used to before the accident (yes, I had an accident about four or five years ago. It was pretty bad, I had to rest for total two weeks). That's why I couldn't go out like my friends did, back in my high school years. Sucks, I know.

Then I asked one of my friend to come with me (thankfully he was kind to give me a ride). It was really fun. We took pictures, laughing at my friends' jokes, even we had dinner together. I like this day, I really dooooooooo :)

Thanks, pals! You guys were totally awesome tonight! Hopefully, I could watch you guys performing teatrical action.

Well, I sure hope this will happen often.

Special good night to you,
someone who's making my days getting better and better. Please, don't make me fall for you if you just gonna left me. I just want to feel wanted not abandoned.


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