Sunday, October 13, 2013

Yellow line

I was just listening to Lego House by Ed Sheeran, so excuse any cheesiness in this post.

Where should I start? Oh right, last post.
I spent like two damn hours to wrote that. And fyi, that was probably a long time since I never wrote something that short before (a few, maybe, but I didn't really think when I wrote them). I felt like I needed to do something to prevent me from doing something stupid.

Kenapa judulnya frasa aneh kayak gitu? (Why did you give such a weird phrase to be a title?)

First of all, because I think the phrase fits more than any sentence I could make. Yellow light means 'steady' or be careful in traffic. In my case, yellow light means I have to be careful. Careful to not fall too deep (again) for this particular guy. As much as I love to admit how cute he is, there is no way I'd just fall like that (he made me fall, kind of..), I'm too scared.

With all shit going on in my life right now, I don't think fall for someone would do me any good. Worse, it feels like I could be crazier person if I did. Yeah sure he is good, he is kind, and I started to think he really cares about me. But I just..... I don't know, I guess there's something about him, something that only him could have. Something that makes me weak everytime he speaks, or laughs.

Second, and last, yellow light probably just a simple phrase for normal people when actually that's a huge deal for me. Buat orang aneh kayak gue, nggak banyak cowok yang bener-bener deket sama gue, cowok yang tau siapa gue (for a freak like me, there's not many man who close with me, man who knows me, personally). I might fall to wrong men too many times before finally realized; not all men could fit with my personality. He should be a clarity to my insanity (that's sooooo cheesy!).

What the hell am I doing? It's six o'clock in the morning and instead of doing something to help my aunt, I'm writing this. Damn me. Damn my crazy antics.

Good morning to all of you, lovely people :)

Oh! Today is my friend's birthday! BEN, if you read this, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Gila aja, dulu kita sering godain satu sama lain, sempet berencana bikin band gila bareng Dyas sama Gita, eh sekarang nih anak udah mau jadi tentara aja (that's crazy because we used to tease each other, one time we were planning making a new-but-crazy band with Dyas and Gita, and now you're on the way to be a soldier). May good things come to you, my dear friend. Good luck in army, I wish all the best for you :)

I think that's all I have from now.
Bye now from me,


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