Did you ever feel like drowning? Like, you
felt you were sinkin’ in?
I mean, that time when you realize that
you’re no longer the same person you used to be and you were like, “okay, this
is the new me”. Have you ever felt that way?
Because I have.
itu tipe orang yang terlalu gampang maafin orang. Terlalu gampang ‘luluh’ sama
permintaan maaf mereka. Kenapa? I really
don’t know. Mungkin karena menurut gue memaafkan itu lebih gampang daripada
terus marah *shrugs*. Tapi gara – gara sifat gue itu juga gue jadi sering
dimanfaatin. People would offend me and
then apologize to me just because they know I’ll forgive them. Emang nggak
selalu langsung gue maafin, kadang gue diemin mereka beberapa hari dulu baru
gue bisa maafin.
What I was thinking since this afternoon is
that how people can stay mad at someone?
Like, seriously. How do they do that? Gue
udah berkali – kali nyoba buat tetep marah tapi ujung – ujungnya selalu sama,
gue maafin mereka. It just so frustrating
sometime, you know? I really want to stay mad at people but I just simply can’t
and I have no idea why. How do you guys mad at someone forever? I’m still
processing all these kind of things.
juga, did you ever realize how many flaws
you have nside of your body (and mind)?
I’m imperfect. I’m not a perfect daughter
that my family always wants me to be. Like, I’m fat and I have dark skin and
ugly. So many flaws that I have ever since I was born and I just feel like my
flaws has been increasing as I grow up. Sometimes I just lay on my bed, hugging
my doll and think randomly. Sure, my life is not perfect, just like my self,
but then I believe there’s no such thing as perfect.
lucu adalah ketika lingkungan kita memaksa kita untuk jadi sempurna. Mereka
bilang lo terlalu gendut, terlalu kurus, bodoh, pendek, tinggi, even they say you’re an idiot. Dan gue
yakin banget inilah kenapa semakin banyak kasus bullying di dunia ini. Society
will never get enough of you. Komunitas kita selalu mengingatkan kita buat
jadi diri kita sendiri, but the question
is; why do they tell us to be ourselves if they just gonna judge us afterwards?
Gila. Gue nggak akan pernah paham sama cara berpikir masyarakat yang sukanya
menghakimi orang seenak udel mereka.
I’m drowning.
I don’t even know why. Gue seakan
tenggelam dalam pikiran – pikiran gue sendiri. Tenggelam tanpa ada orang yang
sadar kalo gue hilang. Then I ask my
self; is this what depression feels like? Many people ask, “are you okay?” as if it were an easy question to answer. Tapi gue selalu bilang
kalo gue baik – baik aja. Mereka nggak perlu khawatir tentang gue. Who am I anyway? Gue cuma seorang cewek annoying dan awkward yang nggak bisa diem.
They said they care about me.
nggak ada yang sadar kalo gue tenggelam. No
one really knows ‘me’. Of course I’m smiling almost all the time, that’s what people expected me
to do. They know me as a cheerful person, someone who they can laugh at.
Seseorang yang selalu bisa mereka olok – olok (dan selalu gue maafin). Nggak
ada yang tau how hard to see everyone
breathes and just feel my self drowning.
masih belajar buat nerima diri gue yang sebenernya. Dina yang terlalu-gampang-maafin-orang,
yang mungkin terlalu bodoh buat ngerti cara kerja society, yang sering kelihatan sok tangguh padahal aslinya cengeng
abis. It’s not easy, apalagi ditambah
orang – orang di sekitar gue tentang betapa banyak kekurangan yang ada di diri
I self-harmed my self back when I was in
high school. And it went on and on everytime things got too much for my liking.
Things that overwhelmed me. I would grab a razor and went to the bathroom after
I made sure people went to bed. I cut instead of telling my bestfriends or my
family. It just felt easier for me. Although it’s almost a year since I clean,
sometimes I just really want to do that, you know? It makes me feel better and
calm me down when no one else can.
I’m sorry, I probably boring you with my
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