Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Letter (3)

Dear friend,
I had a crazy week. It started when I had this fight with one of my bestfriend and then the others just kind of involed. But then we made up and we're good now. Then I met up with some of my bestfriends from high school, Anita and Ziah. It was really good to see them even it was just 2 hours of chatting nonsense. I'm looking forward to meet them more often, really.

To be honest, I'm kind of happy right now and I don't know why. It just feels right. One of my bestfriend from high school, Ekka (who I often call as Emak or Bunda) just got in to the police academy. I am truly happy for her. She'd been spent her entire year to get in shape and now she got in to the academy. I'm not saying this because I'm envy, no. The truth is I'm just so glad she got in, it was her dream.

College was fine this week. I came late almost everyday because the main road is being repaired but other than that, it's all good. Maybe it was because we had 2 days off? I don't know and I don't care.

I have a plan to go to One Direction's concert next year in Jakarta with two of my very good friends, Dyas and Mtri. The online tickets will be sold next Monday and I really hope we can get 3 tribune tickets (it is the cheapest ones).

My brother and I's relationship is on the mend. It's good, you know? We've fought a lot when we were kids and maybe we both now understand that our parents only have us. If we keep fighting againts each other, who's gonna take care of them?

I think what makes me happy for the last few days is what Adhita said on Tuesday:
"You keep saying you love us. But whatever it is, we love you even more. That's why we don't like it when you cut, that's the reason why we make you promise not to do it again. Don't ever say you can't do something if you never tried. You always encouraging me to speak up a bit more, now is my chance to tell you the same thing. If you can't tell us what you're feeling then write it, pass it to us. That way we know what you're feeling. Don't just bottle it up, okay?"

Maybe it wasn't exactly like that but the point is.. I'm happy. I truly am.

Have a good day.


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