Saturday, May 10, 2014

May? Crap.

How's life, my friends?

I'm sorry for my absence. Last month was such a busy month. Our theatre organization just finished a production entitled "LIT". I was one of the cast. And yeah, it was really difficult to find free time just to write and say hi to all of you. But heeeyy, at least I'm writing now.

Alright so, it's May already..

And the truth is I'm not that excited. I even wish I could skip this month. But then again, I live in the real world. I can't just skip a month like that, can I? 

Why do I want to skip May?

Because I'll turn 18 this month. Okay, some of you maybe confused; why? Honestly? I don't want to get older. I know that my reason is silly but seriously you guys, I really don't want that right at this moment. As I get older, people will expect... things from me. They'll expect me to 'grow up', more wiser, more 'adult'. These things are just.. I don't know. I can't find the exact words for it.

I'm simply happy with who I am now. I don't want people to expect me anything. This may sounds strange to some of you but what I wrote here is true. I've been thinking about this for the whole two months. In my whole life, people would always call me as the childish one. No matter what I do, they would tell me to back off because I'm not old enough to do so. You know, when you hear that every single time you offered to help.. somehow you get use to it.

It just doesn't make sense to me. They want me to 'grow up' but at the same time, they are the ones who say "mind your own business, kid" to me. Why?

Also, I've been having such a hard weeks. There are too many things happened in short period of time. To be perfectly honest, I just not ready to be 18. Or more specifically, I'm not ready to be expected 'things' from people. If I want to change then I will. I don't need anyone to tell me that.



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