Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday Letter (2)

Dear friend,
I need to write something. It's like I can go crazy without writing these down.

Did you ever feel like everyone blaming you for everything? I mean, not everyone, maybe just people around you that declared them selves as your closest friends. Why is life can't be fair? It is hurts enough to hear or know what people really think about you.

Maybe this letter is kind of nonsense, I'm sorry. I just feel so mad and upset and sad, I don't even know how that can happen. Mixed emotions. The thing is everyone, every-fucking-one, expects me to be honest. They want me to tell them about what I truly feel. When in fact, I can't.

I'm so used to this, you know? Bottle up everything and just take it for my self so people won't see me as a miserable bitch who needs attention. I need attention, yes, of course I do. I'm a human too, I have feelings. But it seems like everyone thinks it is okay to step on them, to hurt my feelings.

I love too much, and I hope too much from everyone. That's why it hurts so much when they let me down. I try to be there for anyone, everyone that I care of, but when I need them -bam! They're gone. That thought leads me to this question; do they really love me, care about me?

How about you? I really hope you won't make people be your priority when you're just being an option for them.

Gosh, after everything I did for them, I just think someone would throw me a bone for once. Not literally. People just see me as this person who's cheerful and all smiling which actually I'm not. Or maybe I just so good with my cover? You know, mask the real me?

But I'm too naive. 

You never know what people think about you. And it really hurts when someone says something bad, or they tell you what they think of you this ENTIRE time. I'm sorry, I just so mad at my self. Why am I so stupid?

I hope you had a good day.


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