I'm so sorry I haven't written anything for a while. Yes, I'm on holiday but that doesn't mean I'm being a lazyass and just sleeping for days.
The truth is I have a new hobby, actually it's not that new but I didn't really give it a go. I love to learn about new things, especially when I'll be able to create my own version, be creative, as they say. I probably watch too much cooking shows on TV and the result is I really want to make something, with their recipes of course, but I also give my self a little challenge to twist them a bit.
I had wanted to cook for a very long time. But for some financial reasons, I had to hold it. And now, alhamdulillah, my mom has some money to buy me the expensive ingredients. As for starter, I had made crepes a few months ago. Although I didn't really nail it, I was so proud of my self.
Two days ago, I really wanted pancakes for breakfasting. And so, I told my mom about it. She fully supported me to create my own pancakes (thanks, mom!). It was such a shame that I didn't really know how to make pancakes, so I googled it. I also watched +PointlessBlog's video where his mom taught him how to make American pancakes, it helped me a lot as a beginner. Thanks, Alfie and mom!
These were the ingredients I used to make my pancakes:
250 gr of flour
500 ml of milk (just because I couldn't fine any fresh milk, I used the powder milk)
2 eggs
1 tsp of baking powder
2 tsp of sugar (you can change it into palm sugar if you want)
a bit of salt (it makes your pancakes not really sweet so you won't throw up)
some kurma (or korma) for topping
And these are my steps:
1. Crack the eggs, put the yolk into a medium bowl and the white into the smaller bowl
2. Add flour, milk, sugar, and salt into the yolk bowl (don't add milk all at once, split it into two for beginning and in the middle of the whisk)
3. Whisk the batter for about 5 - 10 minutes
4. Whisk the white (remember to put it in the different bowl) until it went stiff
5. Put the-stiff-white-eggs and baking powder into the batter and whisk it again. Leave it for 3 minutes meanwhile you heat your pan (or teflon, or whatever you think is right)
6. Take one scoop of batter and add kurma/korma for the topping
7. Cook it until it turns brown and smell yummy
It was easy, really. By the way, you can also add honey for the topping. But, first thing first, don't forget to lessen the sugar :)
Alright. I'm gonna make another recipes today. Wish me luck!
P.s: I hope you find this a bit helpful.. eventhough I know there are so many people do it better than I did. But I really hope this can help beginners, like me, to make pancakes :)
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