Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wtf is PMS?!

According to Wikipedia..

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), also called premenstrual tension (PMT) is a collection of emotional symptoms, with or without physical symptoms, related to a woman's menstrual cycle.

As for me, PMS is hell. I always have cramps,  food cravings, tender breats, depression, and of course, mood swings. But it is the only time in a month I can be mad everything and no one will fight me back. Of course it's not right to use PMS as an excuse but who the hell cares?

I easily get irritated, whether I'm on my period or when PMS attacks me. And truth to be told, I find everything and everyone is annoying. Like, when my bestfriends calling me names as a joke, if I'm not PMS-ing I'm just gonna flip that off and laugh with them but it is a whole different deal when the PMS attacks. I will be another person, it's like satan sneaks up to me (too much?).

Men always complain when women are on their period. Saying that we are too much to handle and we are so out of control. Meanwhile we feel so much pain. I tend to swear a lot when I'm PMS-ing, that's not right, I know, but who cares? I'm definitely not give a single f-ck about that (I'm currently on my period, so forgive my language) when it's my PMS time. Seriously though, my stomach hurts like a little b-tch. It's like somebody twists my uterus.

Thankfully, my bestfriends know me too well to not taken any of my words to their hearts. I'm actually a sensitive person and when PMS-ing, I'm a VERY sensitive person. Little silly things can make me mad, or upset. I often  find my self crying over stupid things and sometimes I'm ashamed of it. But again, we can't control our hormones, am I right?

Thank God for chocolate and ice cream. I don't know about the other women but I personally like those things and it really helps me to decrease the pain. Sleep also helps a lot. Whenever I upset or mad, I choose to sleep first before deciding something important. I don't want to regret my choices, no one would want that.

To the guys who still with women who always telling them; "you are so dead" when they're PMS-ing, I salute you. It's not easy to deal with women, period. And it's even harder to deal with women who are PMS-ing or on their periods. You guys are rock. And to women who have those guys, you've got yourself a keeper. Don't lose them or you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

Alright. I think I'm done here.

I have to take care of this stomach of mine. And by the way, HAPPY FASTING! I forgot to tell you that before hahaha.



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