Tuesday, July 8, 2014

ATTENTION! Tugas dari Negara!

Hiya, how ya doing?

Dari judul juga udah kelihatan ya mau bahas apa postingan gue kali ini. As my very first time to elect President, I'm super excited for this!

I'm not gonna tell you serious things about the election, secara gue kan bukan ahli dalam hal politik. I just want to try to persuade you. Calm down, this is not a campaign for a certain candidate. There is no way I'm gonna do that.

I also don't want to tell you who am I gonna choose to be the next president. No matter what happens, I will keep that as a secret. Although a lot of my friends shouting who will be the next president for Indonesia, I just find it weird. Maybe because I was taught to keep that as a secret. My dad is a civil servant, of course he taught me and my brother to not tell anyone about our choice.

Gue ngerasa aneh bin ajaib aja gitu waktu beberapa temen gue dengan indahnya mengatakan kata - kata bujukan biar gue milih alias nyoblos calon presiden pilihan mereka. Seriously, I think I've watched enough campaigns on TV and internet. They don't need to tell me anymore. Istilahnya sih, syudah lelah~

Today I just want to persuade to not GOLPUT.

What's on your mind when you hear 'Golput'? As for me, it's like I feel a stab on my chest. I mean the election is pretty much about our country, how could some people be so careless?

I've read some posts on facebook about the reason why they choose to not elect the next president. And to be honest, most of them saying that "it doesn't matter who's gonna be the next president, your grade will be the same! Indonesia is still a poor country anyway". Can I just say that statement is totally not true?

These are some reasons why we should not 'Golput', in my very own opinion of course. And I hope after reading this, you can change your mind and give your vote!

First, dengan memilih a.k.a nyoblos itu berarti kita sudah memenuhi kewajiban kita sebagai seorang warga negara Indonesia. It may seems silly to you but I can assure you, it's not. Buat para pemilih pemula, come on! Apa iya lo mau menyia - nyiakan kesempatan yang cuma hadir 5 tahun sekali ini? We have a chance to decide whether we want Indonesia to be a better country or we want to watch it suffering!

Second, dengan nyoblos besok tanggal 9 Juli 2014, it gives us the reason to complain if there's flaws in our government in the future. Sebagai contoh, kalo di kemudian hari si presiden yang terpilih ini melakukan suatu kejahatan, korupsi misalnya, kita bisa aja melakukan protes atau menghujat (bukan berarti gue ngajarin buat buat menghujat lho yaaa) dia. Because when the time comes, we've used our voice. We've vote for them. Thus we can complain to them if their work can not satisfy us. Kalo kita enggak milih, jangan protes dong kalo presiden kita besok melakukan sesuatu yang enggak sesuai sama kemauan lo. 

Third, this is our chance, the young generation, to make a change. Inilah saat kita buat menentukan masa depan kita. For you who already decided to vote; pilihlah sesuai kata hati. Follow your heart, Insha Allah it will lead you to the right choice. 

Ngomong - ngomong soal black campaign, entah kenapa pemilihan presiden tahun ini kayaknya banyak banget black campaign. Saking banyaknya kampanye hitam yang ada, gue sampe geleng - geleng kepala liatnya. Apa mereka enggak malu atas apa yang mereka lakuin? I wonder the reason why they do that. I mean, yes, they want a certain candidate to win the election but that is just totally wrong.

Soooo, I think I have written pretty much my thoughts here. It is getting pretty late here, I should go now. But I would like to know your opinion in comment box below. Thanks for reading, folks!



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