Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Dear Men

I've been busy with tutoring, classes, and of course, catching up with TV series. But I have a few hours to kill now, so writing a new post here is the best thing I could do beside of reading novels.

I'll turn 20 this year which means people are gonna start asking about a boyfriend of mine. It's not like I don't want to date. I do want to date but the man I've been crushing on for years doesn't even acknowledge it.

Furthermore, people in my hometown will start asking about marriage. This is a little bit crazy if you ask me because I don't plan to marry anyone until I'm 24 or 25. But for them, it's a shame for women in their early 20s to not marry someone.

I often hear men say how they want women to stick with them through thick and thin. Men who say this usually aren't so good with their financial. They may have unsteady jobs or even jobless. And according to what I see lately, these kind of men want to marry their girlfriends, telling those women how important they will be when their husbands succeed.

I used to agree with this. But then I had a second thought about this matter.

I thought about what if that women were my children. Am I willing to let them marry men without a job? Do I want to jeopardize their future? Do I really want my daughters to suffer because of their husbands?

The answer is no. No to all of those questions. I want my children to be happy, I want their future to be as nice as it could be. Don't we all want that for our children?

When a woman agrees to be someone's wife, her parents are no longer responsible for her. Her faith moves to her husband. She also has a new last name to maintain. So, to put it simply, she puts her life on her husband's hands. And as a wife, she has to do all of the housework and taking care of the children. She's no longer as free as she used to be.

Women devote themselves to their husbands. This is a must, an absolute obligation.

Our parents work for us. They make us feel safe. They took us to school so we can learn about a-b-c and 1-2-3. It doesn't matter if they can't buy things as long as we get what we need. Our happiness comes first. They don't even want us to pay them back. We become a successful woman, an independent woman, at least, that's the only thing that matters to them.

Dear men, can you do that for us in exchange for our devotion to you? You can't expect us, women, to sit around and obey your orders if you can't give those things. We had a life before you and we did just fine.

This is me writing the things I've been thinking for the last few days.

Dear men, get yourself a steady job before proposing your partner. We need stability just like what our parents have been providing us since we were born.


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