My life is crazy at the moment. Classes - work - assignments. It's been going on for four months and I'm so ready to rip my head off. But it's all good. I promise you, it's good.
For those who've been reading this blog for a while, you know how I struggled with insecurities. It was so easy to be overwhelmed by silly things. I also wasn't satisfied with what I had which made me an easy target for bullies.
Looking at it now makes me realise just how much I've changed over the years. That girl who cried over a stupid name-calling has gone. Maybe a little part of her is still here but she's much stronger. I am stronger.
I still cry, of course, but not as often as I used to. Chances are I cry when I'm on my period. I've come a long way to be where I am and you have no idea how happy it makes me feel. People don't scare me anymore. I don't hold on to difficult things or people. Instead, I've learnt to let people go from my life.
It's a big deal for me who worries about what people think of me. They aren't responsible for my happiness, I am. This is why I don't listen to what people say about me anymore. Words are just words until I let them be sharp and stab me.
I think my turning point in life happened last year. Honestly, I learned so much from last year and I couldn't be more grateful for that. Believe it or not, I was so naive and thought that everyone could be a better person if I helped them be. Looking back at it, I kinda want to laugh because of how foolish I was.
I learned that not everyone is meant to stay in our life. They may stop for a while but then they'll leave. This kind of people is like a hurricane which comes so suddenly and destroys everything in its sight. A hurricane doesn't know the mess left behind, much like those who leave our life after giving us empty promises. The old 'me' would be upset --no , scratch that, I would be devastated even. However, the new 'me' will only be sad for a couple of days before finally having fun with my friends again.
How so?
I think it can happen because I feel grateful for having so many amazing things to begin with. I have an imperfect family who definitely have my back. I also have best friends who are incredibly amazing. And most importantly, I have myself. I like who I am without pretending to be someone else. This is the biggest achievement I've ever gotten so far in this life.
Your turning point in life maybe not occurred yet but believe when I say this, it will happen. It's just a matter of time. So, don't get too cocky if you feel your life is too good to be true. We don't know what God has planned for us, do we?
I learned that not everyone is meant to stay in our life. They may stop for a while but then they'll leave. This kind of people is like a hurricane which comes so suddenly and destroys everything in its sight. A hurricane doesn't know the mess left behind, much like those who leave our life after giving us empty promises. The old 'me' would be upset --no , scratch that, I would be devastated even. However, the new 'me' will only be sad for a couple of days before finally having fun with my friends again.
How so?
I think it can happen because I feel grateful for having so many amazing things to begin with. I have an imperfect family who definitely have my back. I also have best friends who are incredibly amazing. And most importantly, I have myself. I like who I am without pretending to be someone else. This is the biggest achievement I've ever gotten so far in this life.
Your turning point in life maybe not occurred yet but believe when I say this, it will happen. It's just a matter of time. So, don't get too cocky if you feel your life is too good to be true. We don't know what God has planned for us, do we?
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