Friday, April 3, 2020


I can't believe I'm writing about being braless but this is what I have in mind for the past couple of days and I just get it out of my system. Yes, I can write this on other social media such as Facebook and Instagram, or even rant on Twitter. But this is probably gonna be a long narrative so why not write here on my blog, right? I need to keep this blog alive somehow.

When I was a kid, specifically when I just started to wear a bra, people were telling me that a woman should always wear bras, be it for indoor or outdoor activity. If I didn't obey it, then my boobs would get saggy and all over the place.

Being a kid myself, of course, I'm afraid and eventually adhere to what people say. I don't want my boobs to get saggy, what would boys think of me?! I wanna have pretty boobs so I can get a boyfriend that loves me with all he has. These were my thoughts when I started to wear bras. I was too naive. All I had in mind was getting dolled up and being pretty so I can attract boys. My current mindset had changed a lot from that.

I then learned that there are many types of boobs. You can know further about this stuff by reading here. I also learned about feminism and loving myself more. Loving myself means accepting every tiny part of my body. It means I have to stop comparing my body to others. Sure, I can lose a few pounds of my weight but it means nothing if I don't like myself, huh?

Starting from last year, I go braless as many times as I can, mostly when I'm at home. When I was living on my own last year, going braless is such a blessing. Women must know that feeling when we take off our bras after a long day at work. I always take off mine right after I arrived home and for the love of God, it feels uh-ma-zing.

I do this solely because it feels restricted to wear bras when I sleep but based on some articles I read, it actually makes me sleep better. I don't have to worry about saggy boobs because every woman has their own type of boobs. Always wearing bras also not good for my shoulder and neck, so taking it off definitely makes it better for me personally.

I don't want to tell you to go commando (without underwear) or braless. I just want to tell you that there are a lot of benefits from going braless. You may read the benefits here or here. I don't want to write a post about health without providing relatable articles. So you may want to read those articles to know better about the benefits of going braless.

So, now you know about it. I personally like going braless because somehow it feels empowering. It's also such a hassle to put on one. How about you, ladies? Do you like to go braless? Or contemplating to do it?

Also, the whole COVID-19 pandemic is really serious so I hope you all stay safe. Stay at home and don't go out unless it's urgent or important. Don't go to crowded places and hang out with your friends for a while. We can help by obeying what the government says. 

Keep safe,