Hello! What's up??
I supposed to be studying but I think I really have to get this thoughts off of my head. It disturbs me everytime I try to study ughhh..
I just thinking, how could people judging on other people without knowing them first? Like they're judging in front of their computers, behind those screen, saying bad things about someone through the internet. Do you think it's good?
Well, in my opinion it's not and never good. I made a video to stop people hating on Niall Horan and well I surprised with the amount people watching it. Not everyone saying good things tho, there are several people who commented he's ugly and stuff. Even one saying that I'm as an editor of that video, retarded.
I was like, wow. Really, though I always be a brat in school I never say that to the other. No matter how bad they hurted me, I would definitely never say that. Let just think for a moment; shall we?
When you judging someone because her/his body, think again...
You clearly have NO IDEA how bad she/he wants to lose her/his weight. I'm fat yeah, and it's hurts a lot when people calling me that.. they didn't know what I do to lose my weight.
When you judging someone because you are smarter than him/her, think again...
You won't be called SMART if they are smart. You can be smart because there are people who can't be smart enough. You are nothing beside smart people.
When you judging someone; calling them bitch, think again...
Do you know she pays everything with her own money? Do you know if her dad left her and her mum was ill? Do you know that her little brothers crying almost everyday because they are in hunger?
You don't know, do you? It's much better if you shut the hell up.
When you judging someone because they didn't have their first kiss yet, think again...
Do you know they were suffering from their childhood nightmare? Watching their parents fighting everyday make them scared, they scared to trust people, to start a relationship.
You don't know ANYTHING about them. You don't even know their full names yet you still judging them. It's pathetic, really. Don't you have important thing to do? Or maybe you don't have a life so you spend your days to judging people?
Attention seeker. Pshhh, pathetic much, rite?
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