Friday, July 25, 2014

Simple pancake for beginners

I'm so sorry I haven't written anything for a while. Yes, I'm on holiday but that doesn't mean I'm being a lazyass and just sleeping for days.

The truth is I have a new hobby, actually it's not that new but I didn't really give it a go. I love  to learn about new things, especially when I'll be able to create my own version, be creative, as they say. I probably watch too much cooking shows on TV and the result is I really want to make something, with their recipes of course, but I also give my self a little challenge to twist them a bit.

I had wanted to cook for a very long time. But for some financial reasons, I had to hold it. And now, alhamdulillah, my mom has some money to buy me the expensive ingredients. As for starter, I had made crepes a few months ago. Although I didn't really nail it, I was so proud of my self.

Two days ago, I really wanted pancakes for breakfasting. And so, I told my mom about it. She fully supported me to create my own pancakes (thanks, mom!). It was such a shame that I didn't really know how to make pancakes, so I googled it. I also watched +PointlessBlog's video where his mom taught him how to make American pancakes, it helped me a lot as a beginner. Thanks, Alfie and mom!

These were the ingredients I used to make my pancakes:
250 gr of flour
500 ml of milk (just because I couldn't fine any fresh milk, I used the powder milk)
2 eggs
1 tsp of baking powder
2 tsp of sugar (you can change it into palm sugar if you want)
a bit of salt (it makes your pancakes not really sweet so you won't throw up)
some kurma (or korma) for topping

And these are my steps:
1. Crack the eggs, put the yolk into a medium bowl and the white into the smaller bowl
2. Add flour, milk, sugar, and salt into the yolk bowl (don't add milk all at once, split it into two for beginning and in the middle of the whisk)
3. Whisk the batter for about 5 - 10 minutes
4. Whisk the white (remember to put it in the different bowl) until it went stiff
5. Put the-stiff-white-eggs and baking powder into the batter and whisk it again. Leave it for 3 minutes meanwhile you heat your pan (or teflon, or whatever you think is right)
6. Take one scoop of batter and add kurma/korma for the topping
7. Cook it until it turns brown and smell yummy

It was easy, really. By the way, you can also add honey for the topping. But, first thing first, don't forget to lessen the sugar :)

Alright. I'm gonna make another recipes today. Wish me luck!
P.s: I hope you find this a bit helpful.. eventhough I know there are so many people do it better than I did. But I really hope this can help beginners, like me, to make pancakes :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wtf is PMS?!

According to Wikipedia..

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), also called premenstrual tension (PMT) is a collection of emotional symptoms, with or without physical symptoms, related to a woman's menstrual cycle.

As for me, PMS is hell. I always have cramps,  food cravings, tender breats, depression, and of course, mood swings. But it is the only time in a month I can be mad everything and no one will fight me back. Of course it's not right to use PMS as an excuse but who the hell cares?

I easily get irritated, whether I'm on my period or when PMS attacks me. And truth to be told, I find everything and everyone is annoying. Like, when my bestfriends calling me names as a joke, if I'm not PMS-ing I'm just gonna flip that off and laugh with them but it is a whole different deal when the PMS attacks. I will be another person, it's like satan sneaks up to me (too much?).

Men always complain when women are on their period. Saying that we are too much to handle and we are so out of control. Meanwhile we feel so much pain. I tend to swear a lot when I'm PMS-ing, that's not right, I know, but who cares? I'm definitely not give a single f-ck about that (I'm currently on my period, so forgive my language) when it's my PMS time. Seriously though, my stomach hurts like a little b-tch. It's like somebody twists my uterus.

Thankfully, my bestfriends know me too well to not taken any of my words to their hearts. I'm actually a sensitive person and when PMS-ing, I'm a VERY sensitive person. Little silly things can make me mad, or upset. I often  find my self crying over stupid things and sometimes I'm ashamed of it. But again, we can't control our hormones, am I right?

Thank God for chocolate and ice cream. I don't know about the other women but I personally like those things and it really helps me to decrease the pain. Sleep also helps a lot. Whenever I upset or mad, I choose to sleep first before deciding something important. I don't want to regret my choices, no one would want that.

To the guys who still with women who always telling them; "you are so dead" when they're PMS-ing, I salute you. It's not easy to deal with women, period. And it's even harder to deal with women who are PMS-ing or on their periods. You guys are rock. And to women who have those guys, you've got yourself a keeper. Don't lose them or you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

Alright. I think I'm done here.

I have to take care of this stomach of mine. And by the way, HAPPY FASTING! I forgot to tell you that before hahaha.



Tuesday, July 8, 2014

ATTENTION! Tugas dari Negara!

Hiya, how ya doing?

Dari judul juga udah kelihatan ya mau bahas apa postingan gue kali ini. As my very first time to elect President, I'm super excited for this!

I'm not gonna tell you serious things about the election, secara gue kan bukan ahli dalam hal politik. I just want to try to persuade you. Calm down, this is not a campaign for a certain candidate. There is no way I'm gonna do that.

I also don't want to tell you who am I gonna choose to be the next president. No matter what happens, I will keep that as a secret. Although a lot of my friends shouting who will be the next president for Indonesia, I just find it weird. Maybe because I was taught to keep that as a secret. My dad is a civil servant, of course he taught me and my brother to not tell anyone about our choice.

Gue ngerasa aneh bin ajaib aja gitu waktu beberapa temen gue dengan indahnya mengatakan kata - kata bujukan biar gue milih alias nyoblos calon presiden pilihan mereka. Seriously, I think I've watched enough campaigns on TV and internet. They don't need to tell me anymore. Istilahnya sih, syudah lelah~

Today I just want to persuade to not GOLPUT.

What's on your mind when you hear 'Golput'? As for me, it's like I feel a stab on my chest. I mean the election is pretty much about our country, how could some people be so careless?

I've read some posts on facebook about the reason why they choose to not elect the next president. And to be honest, most of them saying that "it doesn't matter who's gonna be the next president, your grade will be the same! Indonesia is still a poor country anyway". Can I just say that statement is totally not true?

These are some reasons why we should not 'Golput', in my very own opinion of course. And I hope after reading this, you can change your mind and give your vote!

First, dengan memilih a.k.a nyoblos itu berarti kita sudah memenuhi kewajiban kita sebagai seorang warga negara Indonesia. It may seems silly to you but I can assure you, it's not. Buat para pemilih pemula, come on! Apa iya lo mau menyia - nyiakan kesempatan yang cuma hadir 5 tahun sekali ini? We have a chance to decide whether we want Indonesia to be a better country or we want to watch it suffering!

Second, dengan nyoblos besok tanggal 9 Juli 2014, it gives us the reason to complain if there's flaws in our government in the future. Sebagai contoh, kalo di kemudian hari si presiden yang terpilih ini melakukan suatu kejahatan, korupsi misalnya, kita bisa aja melakukan protes atau menghujat (bukan berarti gue ngajarin buat buat menghujat lho yaaa) dia. Because when the time comes, we've used our voice. We've vote for them. Thus we can complain to them if their work can not satisfy us. Kalo kita enggak milih, jangan protes dong kalo presiden kita besok melakukan sesuatu yang enggak sesuai sama kemauan lo. 

Third, this is our chance, the young generation, to make a change. Inilah saat kita buat menentukan masa depan kita. For you who already decided to vote; pilihlah sesuai kata hati. Follow your heart, Insha Allah it will lead you to the right choice. 

Ngomong - ngomong soal black campaign, entah kenapa pemilihan presiden tahun ini kayaknya banyak banget black campaign. Saking banyaknya kampanye hitam yang ada, gue sampe geleng - geleng kepala liatnya. Apa mereka enggak malu atas apa yang mereka lakuin? I wonder the reason why they do that. I mean, yes, they want a certain candidate to win the election but that is just totally wrong.

Soooo, I think I have written pretty much my thoughts here. It is getting pretty late here, I should go now. But I would like to know your opinion in comment box below. Thanks for reading, folks!



Saturday, July 5, 2014


Hello, beautiful people!

I'm not dead, yayyyy! Hahaha tapi gue tidur kek orang mati. Kalo inget gue kemaren tidur hampir 12 jam.. rasanya pengen tutup bantal karena malu! Ah, tapi seriusan bisa ngebantu emosi labil. Apalagi selama di Semarang, gue enggak pernah bisa tidur setenang itu.

Bergalau bentar yak.

Do you know that feeling when you see your crush is in love with someone else? I mean, the pain.. it hurts you so bad, isn't it?

I don't exactly know whether my crush is in love or not- but I do have feeling he is. Everytime he looks at her, it's kind of same with the way I look at him (from the backseat, of course). You may think this way; "why are you jealous when you aren't even dating him?", but the truth is hell yeah, I'm jealous. I like him so much.

Enggak seharusnya gue ngerasa kayak gini. Gue bukan siapa - siapa dia. Dan pula gue yakin 100% kalo dia enggak bakal pernah suka sama gue yang childish nya naudzubillah ini. Sayang gue enggak bisa lupain dia sampe sekarang, atau lebih tepatnya.. lupain perasaan gue ke dia, ihik :')

Ada yang bilang kalo a girl can wait forever. Disini gue enggak mau menyanggah atau membenarkan pernyataan itu. Karena, let just admit it, terkadang cewek bisa ngelupain seseorang yang pernah ngisi hari - harinya lebih cepet daripada dia milih baju buat ke promnight. Tapi ada juga kalanya ketika cewek amat menyayangi seseorang, entah secara diam - diam atau terang - terangan, dan akan tetap menyayangi orang tersebut meskipun dia udah ngebuat cewek ini sakit.

Si cowok ini.. I have been in love with him for months now. Dan sejujurnya, gue berharap gue bisa ngehapus semua perasaan buat dia. You know, kayak tombol Backspace di keyboard yang digunain buat ngehapus karakter di Ms. Word, icon Undo di ribbon juga, mungkin?

Love is simple but it brings a hell lot of complicated things. It's never wrong. Sometimes it may comes at the worst time but we know, it's right.

Dear you,
I never told you this in real life but I just wish you could give me just a little bit of your attention. You may wish that I could un-love you. But the thing is, I probably will love you for a long time. Don't worry, I won't bother you with my sappy feeling.

